EMERGENCY STOP and RESET buttons | Murrelektronik

10. dicembre 2018

Multi-Colored Light Effects

The EMERGENCY STOP and RESET buttons from Murrelektronik are integrated in electronic installations using preconfigured M12 standard cables. A time-saving solution that reduces the risk of faulty wirings. The 'Plug & Play' feature makes integrating the command devices in machines and systems faster.

EMERGENCY STOP and RESET buttons from Murrelektronik

They are used whenever individual command and signaling devices are included in decentralized systems, for example on protective fences or at production stations. The versions with an ultra-compact width of 42 mm are perfect to connect to standard aluminum profiles.

Murrelektronik has a version of the EMERGENCY STOP button with an illuminated RESET button in the housing. It can be integrated into the installation solution in such a way that the button is illuminated when a restart is possible. Five colored button caps are included in each packaging which allow you to create the desired colored lighting effect.


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