Order with only a few clicks | Murrelektronik

26. février 2024

Order with only a few clicks - automatically fill your cart and save time

Did you already know? Our Easy-Import-Export Function allows you to use our Online Shop ever more efficiently. Use Copy & Paste to copy and paste item lists directly from your ERP system or Excel and place and order easily.

Should you already have a CSV-file with the needed items, you can upload this file right away and complete your order even quicker. Use the new Barcode Scanner Function to make efficiently organize incoming goods:

  1. Scan the Barcode of one of our product packagings
  2. You will get an overview of all contained items
  3. You can export the List
  4. You can save the list in your project lists
  5. You can download all available documentation files for the product

Here you can find the function: https://shop.murrelektronik.de/index.php?lang=1&cl=nfc_quickorderview

This ist the guide on how to use the function: https://shop.murrelektronik.de/en/Services-FAQs/Warenkorb-automatisch-befuellen/


You do not have an account for our Online Shop? Register now to benefit from all advantages: https://shop.murrelektronik.de/en/register/

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